Antique Jewelry

Antique Jewelry

Antique jewelry includes pieces from different time periods, each known for its unique styles and details. From the elegance of the Victorian era to the boldness of Art Deco, these pieces offer a connection to the past. Explore a variety of antique rings, necklaces, and bracelets that combine heritage with beauty.

3 products
Front View of Portuguese Cut Cluster Cocktail Engagement Ring on two fingersBack View A Moissanite Portuguese Cut Antique Cluster Engagement Ring on a two fingers
View of Moissanite Antique Cut Solitaire Lips RingView of Antique Cut Moissanite Solitaire Classic Ring In Finger
[Front view of moissanite butterfly cut pendant made of 14k yellow gold]-[Golden Bird Jewels][This moissanite pendant made of butterfly cut and yellow gold]-[Golden Bird Jewels]